Thursday, May 3, 2007

Burned by the network

So look at me, so excited to put up my first post that I immediately put a link to it on my LinkedIn page. What a good way to get people to start looking at my blog. Aren't I clever? Not!

So everyone in my network gets an update instantaneously that I've changed my profile and I've started a blog. But I haven't actually posted anything yet! I have no idea how many actually checked it out, but the fact that the three or so of my co-workers who mentioned it did was enough to make me want to hand in my tech-savvy credentials.

I guess the whole exposing myself publicly aspect of blogging will take a few more posts to sink in.

And now I suppose that I'll have to write something worth reading. I only hope that the few brave souls who ventured in weren't too burned to try again.

What have we learned:
1. Beware the power of the network - it works! See Linked: The New Science of Networks.
2. Be careful what you wish for.


Jon Williams said...

It's not like your boss is reading your blog :-)

Gautam Guliani said...

Also, don't worry too much about saying things that are clever and/or profound. We'll read you blog despite them...